Tutorial Tuesday: Five Basic Chords on the Guitar

Have you been wanting to give songwriting a try, but can’t play an instrument? This post is for YOU!

In this video, I’ll show you how to play five basic chords that will pave the way for you to start writing songs. If you’re not interested in songwriting, but just want some basic tips to get started on the guitar, this post is for YOU TOO!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments section!





2 Thoughts on “Tutorial Tuesday: Five Basic Chords on the Guitar

  1. I can’t wait to borrow a guitar and learn these cords. It looks very simple, but I remember getting quite painful fingers when I tried to learn several years ago. I do have very small hands, but I guess it takes practice. Thanks for the tutorial 🙂

    • Hi Tash! It can be painful at first, but if you practice daily then your left-hand fingertips will toughen up quickly (also, keeping the nails short on your left hand is important in order to be able to play the chords with proper “form”)! I have TINY hands (the jeweler that fitted my engagement ring said they couldn’t make my it any smaller!). I think that smaller hands probably create a bit more of a challenge when it comes to things that require more strength, such as bar chords, but it’s definitely still doable 🙂 Let me know how you get on!

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