Tutorial Tuesday: How to Turn an Idea into a Song


No video today, I’m afraid – I’m a little run-down! Instead, I thought I’d share a quick songwriting tip with you!

If you have a great idea for a song but just don’t know where to start, or you’re struggling to put your thoughts and/or feelings into any kind of poetic format, try starting with prose (i.e. “normal” writing, without any metrical structure).

If you want the song to be directed to someone in particular, write them a letter. If you’re just musing on a particular topic, write a journal entry or even a short essay. If you want your song to focus on a particular character or follow a specific narrative, try writing a short story first. You can then go back and highlight key words or phrases, and use them as the building blocks to create a song of the same topic. This method can also help you to articulate your thoughts better, which is essential if you want to transform an idea or concept into a song.

What methods do you use for turning an idea into something more tangible? Do find it easier to write poetry or prose? I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!


Photo courtesy of churl han

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