I’m Back in (Blogging) Business!

It’s been a long while since I last posted. This is largely due to the fact that 2015 has been insanely busy for me so far. I went to England for three months, which was like a holiday in my homeland. It was so awesome to spend time with family and catch up with old (and new) friends.


And when I came back to SA I was greeted at the airport by Cuan and a new (surprise) family member:


His name is Murray, and he is an absolute bundle of joy and energy. We’re having so much fun being his humans.

All this activity didn’t leave a lot of time for blogging. But now I’m back home and settled, I’m going to start posting regularly again.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of this blog, and have come to the conclusion that I want it to continue to focus on creative living (music, writing, songwriting, etc.) with an additional lifestyle element. This means more posts updating you on what I’ve been up to, more photos and videos, and more posts in general. I’m also planning to expand my Youtube channel to include some of these features.

Hope you’re all on board! I look forward to sharing more of our lives with you.

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