Lyrical Art: Saltwater Heart

One of the ways I get inspired is by writing out and reflecting on other people’s lyrics. I’ve done this since I was young – it satisfies my analytical mind! After having painting this yesterday, I’ve decided to try and create and share lyrical art regularly! It’s fun, and it motivates me to write.

So, here’s the first one!


“Now it’s an abstract thought
But I’ve been thinking non-stop
‘Bout the fact that my body’s made most out of raindrops
With a saltwater heart.”
– Saltwater Heart by Switchfoot

Word-Loving Wednesday: Mercurial

On Wednesdays, I show some love to an under-appreciated word. This week’s word is:


Although this isn’t exactly an unknown word, I do think it is definitely underused, considering how awesome it is. Other words with a similar meaning include volatile, fickle, changeable and unpredictable. Any I’ve missed?

Will you join me in attempting to use “mercurial” in conversation or writing at least once this week? If so, remember to report back in the comments!

Word-Loving Wednesday

June Is Cold…

June is-2

Given that June has once again rolled around, I thought I would share this old video of my song, “Songs of June”. It was shot by good friends of ours in the back garden of our old farm cottage. Man, I miss that place!

If you like it, please share it!

Music and lyrics by Mali Korsten.
Copyright 2015 PRS. All rights reserved.

Woke on the wrong side of bed
With songs of June running round my head
They tell me I’m crazy

Demons with voices sweet
Offer me fruit from the poisonous tree
They won’t resign till they can say “She’s mine”, but I won’t be deceived
No I won’t be deceived

And June is cold in this part of the world
Where I fumble toward the light
And maybe they won’t taunt me today
If I clothe myself in the night

Temptation tells me he’s
The one in the know, one who holds the key
But I know he’s lying

‘Cause shadows require the light
To draw the outlines we recognise
The lies would not be if the truth did not see some use for them here

And June is cold in this part of the world
Where I stumble toward the light
And maybe they won’t haunt me today
If I disguise myself in the night

I find it hard to reason
I get caught up in the haze
And if I talk to myself it’s not ’cause I’m mad
I’m just trying to remember the time has passed

When I heard the voice of love
Pouring like rain from the heavens above
And the dove did descend and He promised me then that He’d never leave

And June is cold in this part of the world
But I’ll press on anyway
And I won’t fear, for I know who lives here
So I’ll bathe in the light of day


Songs of June video filmed and edited by Glory to God Productions

I’m Back in (Blogging) Business!

It’s been a long while since I last posted. This is largely due to the fact that 2015 has been insanely busy for me so far. I went to England for three months, which was like a holiday in my homeland. It was so awesome to spend time with family and catch up with old (and new) friends.


And when I came back to SA I was greeted at the airport by Cuan and a new (surprise) family member:


His name is Murray, and he is an absolute bundle of joy and energy. We’re having so much fun being his humans.

All this activity didn’t leave a lot of time for blogging. But now I’m back home and settled, I’m going to start posting regularly again.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of this blog, and have come to the conclusion that I want it to continue to focus on creative living (music, writing, songwriting, etc.) with an additional lifestyle element. This means more posts updating you on what I’ve been up to, more photos and videos, and more posts in general. I’m also planning to expand my Youtube channel to include some of these features.

Hope you’re all on board! I look forward to sharing more of our lives with you.